This article is about the brain facts you probably dont know about.
How our brain and memory works continues to be the subject of new discoveries among researchers and experts.
The memory can be trained with chess and music
When we concentrate on playing chess or playing a musical instrument, we train our short-term memory, which is also called working memory. Working memory is the part of the brain that works to gather data for long-term memory. When we play chess and music, our concentration is on a paramount.
Keeping its concentration occupied strengthens memory. Why chess and music is so essential for memory? It is because; by a single drop in the concentration you can lose in the chess game or have to start over in the piece of music.So that you do unintentionally train your memory through that kind of activities.
We fill only one tenth of the space in our memory
According to the Israeli memory expert and author Eran Katz, the billions of things we remember in life are only up to one tenth of the brain’s total memory capacity. He therefore believes that we can train our brain to remember much more – in our long-term memory.
For our short-term memory, we can only handle information for a certain time. Therefore, in memory training, the memory is concentrating and focusing on some things at a short time, allowing them to save time in long-term memory.
We remember passionately
We easily remember the things we deal with with passion and dedication than other things, explains Eran Katz. That is why some boys forget to clean up the room while they can memorize the names of hundreds of football players. Another example: Some girls may not remember their homeworks, while remembering all the lyrics of their favorite pop songs.
We’ll remember speech strings better if we divide them up
The term is called Chunking and means cutting in bites. A simple example is that it’s easier to remember a phone number as two-four-digit. For example 3348 0500 is hard to remember while 33 48 05 00 is easier to memorize. Similarly, you can divide what you want to remember in subgroups not more than 7.
According to American memory researcher George A. Miller, it is the magic of number 7 that it is roughly the amount of pieces our brain can cope at a time.
Night sleep strengthens memory
During sleep, our long-term memory repeats the new knowledge it occupies during the day. According to research from the Geneva University in Switzerland, sleep helps to strengthen certain brain cells that are involved in both learning and memory.
Cocoa is good for memory
Special bioactive ingredients found in cocoa and flavonoids may have a great effect on memory loss, according to a study published in 2014.
For 3 months, 37 people had been drinking a high dose of flavonoids daily. It is resulted in a big improvement and more blood flow to the part of the brain where memory is working.
Green tea is also good for memory
Researchers at Basel University Hospital in Switzerland have found that the green tea leaves form an activity in the brain that increases our ability to memorize things in our working memory.
The reason why it is just the green tea that has been shown to have the beneficial effect is that, unlike many other teas, it has not been processed much. Therefore, green tea maintains the natural antioxidants that black tea loses in oxidation.
Nagesh English world
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